Between Andes and Pacific - The North of Chile

45' (ENG, GER)

Embark on an extraordinary expedition through Northern Chile, a region of extremes!

The Atacama, one of the driest and oldest deserts on earth, shapes a large part of the landscape between the Andes and the Pacific. The 6,500-meter-high volcanoes of the Andes mountain chain tower majestically over the Altiplano, the highlands over 4,000 meters high, with spectacular salt lakes, mysterious geoglyphs, the world’s most advanced telescopes and a desert landscape reminiscent of the Moon and Mars. A land of contrasts. The mighty Humboldt Current flows off the coast of Chile, its cold waters providing a fascinating abundance of marine ecosystems. Huge fin whales migrate here along the coast. The documentary takes viewers on a journey to people who call this unique landscape their home.

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  • Trailer

    Trailer - English
  • Trailer

    Trailer - German
  • Screener, 45'

    Screener - English
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  • Screener, 45'

    Screener - German
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener.


  • Original Title
    Zwischen Anden und Pazifik - Unterwegs im Norden Chiles
  • Year
  • Length
    45' (ENG, GER)
  • Resolution
    HD, 4K
  • Film by
    Jürgen Hansen, Simone Stripp
  • Produced by
  • Partners
  • Trailer

    Trailer - English
  • Trailer

    Trailer - German
  • Screener, 45'

    Screener - English
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener!
  • Screener, 45'

    Screener - German
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener!