Femicide: The Forgotten Victims

30' (ENG, GER)

The greatest danger for women all over the world is waiting at home.

Every three days, a man kills a woman in the UK. But, the perpetrators are rarely strangers. In fact, most victims know their killer, and may even have loved him. The greatest danger for women in England and around the world is not lurking in the streets. It is waiting at home. The film tells the story of the forgotten victims as well as the survivors of domestic violence and shows that in many cases femicides are not inevitable acts of passion, but planned murders that follow a clear pattern.

  • Trailer

    Trailer - German
  • Screener

    Screener - English
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener.
  • Screener

    Screener - German
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener.


  • Original Title
    Femizide - Die vergessenen Opfer
  • Year
  • Length
    30' (ENG, GER)
  • Resolution
  • Produced by
  • Trailer

    Trailer - German
  • Screener

    Screener - English
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener!
  • Screener

    Screener - German
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener!