15th Meridian East - Similarity in Difference
Surrender yourselves to the thrilling landscapes and equally thrilling tales of the natives along the 15th Meridian East.
Wild Life, Gentle Nature
As contrasting as the landscapes of the 15th meridian east, so different are its animal inhabitants. What are the living conditions like in the heat of the Namibian Damaraland, in Lusatia or on the coast of Norway? Which challenges do elephants, whales or kingfishers have to master together with their companions from north to south?
The Raw Wilderness
Almost 11000 kilometres lie between the northernmost and southernmost point of the 15th meridian east. Here you will find extreme landscapes such as the shimmering heat of Africa or the eternal cold of northern Scandinavia. Five people from Spitsbergen, Namibia, Slovenia, Germany and Poland dedicate their lives to environmental protection.
Sow, Harvest, Eat – Our Conservatory
This episode focuses on people from five countries who share a common passion: The production of their own food and food. What culinary treasures are hidden in the different regions, from Spitsbergen to Sweden, Austria, Poland and Chad?
From Generation to Generation
The journey leads from the Norwegian Vesterålen to Chad, the Aeolian Islands and the Polish Giant Mountains. As different as the landscapes and cultures may be, all people are united in their love for their children and their desire to give something to tomorrow's generation.
Our Future
What ideas are people on the 15th meridian east developing to shape the future and leave tomorrow's generations a home worth living in? This consequence leads us to four future designers. From the barren Namib Desert to the glacier worlds of Spitsbergen, Sicily and the Croatian Mediterranean.
Original TitleEin Tag auf dem 15. Längengrad Ost
Length5 × 52' (ENG, GER, FRE)
Film byAlexandra Hardorf, Anke Hillmann, Christiane Schwarz
Produced by