Marvellous French Rivers - Gironde & Dordogne

2 × 52' (ENG, GER)

Follow the diverse nature and wildlife along the Dordogne and the Gironde discovering their magical worlds.

Southwest France is home to one of the most powerful tidal rivers in Europe: the Gironde. 15 kilometres wide, the estuary on the Atlantic has its own microclimate that produces a marvellous flora and fauna. The river is fed by the Dordogne that reveals not only castles and fortresses, but also a complex water system above and below ground.

  • Ep1: Gironde

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  • Ep1: Gironde

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  • Ep2: Dordogne

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  • Ep2: Dordogne

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  1. The Miraculous World of the Gironde Estuary

    The Gironde is the largest and most powerful tidal river in Europe. When she flows into the Atlantic, she is 15 kilometers wide, and in the rhythm of the tides she brings the waters from the Pyrenees and the Massif Central into the ocean. The water surface of the stream is so large that evaporation has created its own microclimate which, together with the brackish waters to the right and left of the banks, has created a unique regenerating biodiversity.

  2. The Miraculous World of the Dordogne River

    The Dordogne is formed by a visible and an invisible system of flowing water. Caves, basins under the earth's surface store the excess water and return it to the river when dry. A perfect management of a precious resource, not conceived by man, but by the complex nature itself. The result is an ever life-giving river.


  • Original Title
    Die wundersame Welt der Gironde & Dordogne
  • Year
  • Length
    2 × 52' (ENG, GER)
  • Resolution
    HD, 4K
  • Produced by
  • Partners
  • Ep1: Gironde

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  • Ep1: Gironde

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  • Ep2: Dordogne

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  • Ep2: Dordogne

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