Grønland - In the Glare of Ice
45' (ENG, GER, SPA)
Greenland is the largest island in the world and the landmass closest to the North Pole.
80% of the country is covered by a layer of ice up to 3000 meters thick. Most of the inhabitants of the country are spread over the breathtaking landscape of the ice-free west coast. The country is mostly inhabited by Inuit, who have been feeding on what nature has provided them for thousands of years. But the original life is in a state of change. The modernisation of society and man-made global warming threaten the Arctic natural paradise that is so incredibly important for our planet. Through the eyes of locals we get to know the authentic Greenland.
Please note: the Spanish version is in Neutral Spanish.
Original TitleGrönlands Wilder Westen
Length45' (ENG, GER, SPA)
ResolutionHD, 4K
Produced by