Maastricht - The Treaty that Changed Europe
Hardly any aspect of our everyday lives is not influenced by the EU in some way. Young people don't know the world any differently. Thirty years ago, the foundations of this were laid in Maastricht.
The Treaty of Maastricht made the European Community into the EU. It introduced European citizenship, laid the foundation for the single market, and prepared for the introduction of the Euro. Today, the EU is crumbling. National-conservative parties are stirring up opposition to the idea of a unified Europe, even advocating its dissolution. The documentary tells the story from the point of view of a generation that has grown up with a unified Europe and goes on a journey across the continent to explore the legacy of Maastricht. The route leads from Portugal in the far west of Europe to the eastern border of the EU.
Original TitleEuropas Reise - 30 Jahre nach Maastricht
Length52' (ENG, GER)
Film byDavid Holland
Produced by